European health for all database (HFA-DB)

Updated July 2008; next update January 2009.
HFA-DB is a central database of independent, comparable and up-to-date basic health statistics. It has been a key source of information on health in the European Region since WHO/Europe launched it in the mid-1980s. It contains time series from 1970.

HFA-DB is updated biannually and contains about 600 indicators for the 53 European WHO Member States. The indicators cover:
basic demographics;
health status (mortality, morbidity, maternal health and child health);
health determinants (such as lifestyle and environment)
health care (resources and utilization).
HFA-DB allows country and intercountry analyses to be displayed as charts, curves or maps, which can be exported free of charge to other software programs.

The data come from:

an extensive network of country experts working in statistical, monitoring and surveillance units in ministries;
WHO/Europe’s technical programmes; and
partner organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
HFA-DB can be used online or downloaded to be installed in its entirety on a computer.

Users are reminded that, if they do use material from the WHO/Europe HFA-DB, they should credit the source appropriately. The suggested reference is:

Health for All database (HFA-DB), Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, (